
Mantua tips for dummies - How to call a taxi

Visiting Mantua, you may need to call a taxi (cab).
When you are in front of the Rail Station, in Sordello Square (Ducal Palace) or at the Teatro Sociale, there is no problem: a taxi station is close to you.
But if you are anywhere else you have to make a phone call.... and it's not so easy: a recorded voice will answer your call, speaking only in Italian!
So here you have all the tips you need.

1) Before making the call, take note of where you are: the street/ square number or the name of a landmark (for example "Palazzo Te", or "Teatro Bibbiena").

2) Then dial on your phone: +39 376 368844 (if you have an Italian phone, just dial 0376 368844).

3) A recorded voice will answer you saying:
"Risponde l'operatore automatico Radio Taxi Mantova. Dopo il segnale acustico avete cinque secondi di tempo per comunicare il vostro indirizzo completo e rimanere in linea"
["This is the automatic answer from Radio Taxi Mantua. After the beep, you have five seconds to provide with your location and then hang on"]

4) After the "beep", provide with your location.

5) The company will look for the nearest taxi. The voice will say:
"Stiamo cercando il vostro taxi, attendete prego"
["We are looking for your taxi, please wait"].
It can takes some time: just wait hanging on.

6) After several seconds, the voice will say :
"Arriva il taxi XXXX  in X minuti. Se accettate dite sì"
["The taxi - name and number of the taxi* - is coming in minutes - number of minutes to wait fo the cab -, if you agree, say 'Si' (Yes)"]
You have to confirm your booking saying yes, using the Italian word "Si".

7) Hang up: your taxi will arrive soon.

*Please note that taxis are white cars, their name is composed by the name of a city and a number (for example "Padova 8", "Parma 12", "Verona 13" and so on). Please, check on the side of the car that the taxi coming is the one you've booked.

Keep following this blog for other tips!