When in Mantua - and generally in Italy - be aware that the parking areas marked with blue lines require a fee. BUT if on the parking-signal there are two hammers crossed, YOU DON'T NEED to pay on Sundays (and festivities too). So don't put your coins in the parking-meter machines: they will take your money nevertheless, providing you with a ticket for the following day!
The main blue-lined parking areas (paying Mon to Sat) are:
Via San Giorgio (Ducal Palace area) - Piazza Sordello (Ducal Palace area) - Piazza Seminario (Ducal Palace area) - Piazza D’Arco - Lungolago Gonzaga - Viale Risorgimento (Palazzo Te area)
Piazzale Montelungo (Palazzo Te area) is a particular blue-lined parking. Here you pay just one euro for all the day (Sundays too) and the parking-meter machine will provide with two tickets: the parking fee and a bus ticket.
The main white-lined parking areas (always free) are:
The main blue-lined parking areas (paying Mon to Sat) are:
Via San Giorgio (Ducal Palace area) - Piazza Sordello (Ducal Palace area) - Piazza Seminario (Ducal Palace area) - Piazza D’Arco - Lungolago Gonzaga - Viale Risorgimento (Palazzo Te area)
Piazzale Montelungo (Palazzo Te area) is a particular blue-lined parking. Here you pay just one euro for all the day (Sundays too) and the parking-meter machine will provide with two tickets: the parking fee and a bus ticket.
The main white-lined parking areas (always free) are:
Viale Mincio - Piazza Virgiliana - Piazza Anconetta - Campo Canoa
Keep following this blog for other tips!
Keep following this blog for other tips!
For further information about the Italian parking system, please check this website.